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FOOD CHAIN II Date: 1/8/93 From: Paul Perry Subject: Communiqué Autonomic Hi JK, Of food chains and new icons: U signed... >%( What does it mean? My guide sez either :-% you're a banker or %-6 you're brain-dead. This morning I imagined that my idea for an A B C to New Literacy (or better: [icon] 'B' [icon] to New Literacy...) could develop like a food chain of some sorts. When items are interrelated like they are, some are conditional to other and a chain of influence and interest develops. Food Chain all of a sudden struck me as a (be it materialistic) vital condition of life. Your [idea of using] faeces fit in perfectly, you finally are what you shit. (Nietsches 'become who you are', to 'become what you shit'?: New Signatures). :-/ Only if you eat it. ;-O But what about these food chains? They are dog eat dog, and always considered hierarchical with simple and lots on the bottom, less and more complicated in the middle and DDT and Nouvelle Cuisine on top. Is the law of the jungle (eat or be eaten) the same as the law of the zoo? There A'int No Such Thing As A Free Lunch: TANSTAAFL (I've been reading the Machinery of Freedom: a guide to radical capitalism, and Bionomics: the inevitability of capitalism. Machinery is good anarcho-capitalistic libertarian fare, Bionomics is good too.) Maybe you mean webs, symbiotic relations, co-evolutions... The idea fits with the intention of considering all that led up to the Utrecht TAZOO, and was left behind in the process. For Middelburg I could foresee the production of a small (cut and paste) booklet or brochure and at the Vleeshal some 'objects' that link through this guide. When I recently again considered some kind of periodical/platform for the exchange of topics (in print, or electronically--or better both) I also imagined an alphabetical (or iconical, as far as I am concerned) list, published on a regular basis, with ongoing trains of thought, information and radical gibberish in a nice low cost, low tech format. It would inform on, and at the same time train in, what I now preferably call New Literacy--a true S-K-I-L-L of reading/perceiving, evaluating and using (also spreading) information, from a traditional textual and visual communication background to the 'combining from here and there the bearers of significance'... in order to generate meaning at some end of the line. Of course New Literacy has an ethical (= political) thing about it that takes it beyond mere mo'better media 'Bilwet'-style description and confession. Rapping on this: A Michelin Guide to Disneyland (Disney named his stooges "Imagineers"). HEY! Politics is dangerous. I don't want 'know/no' politics at all. Politics: The reduction of the diversity of individual ends to a set of common ends (the ends of the majority, dictator, who ever is in control of the political institution). Government: a legalised protection agency. And, most importantly, I am convinced that such a skill should and will develop from the visual arts and communication, concentrating not on text as writing but on text as imaging and imagining, and interrelating images, icons and alphabet. Vital Fantasy? Babel: the confounding of speech, confusion, the scream and the cry, speaking in tongues, diversity, mutation, experiments in living, 'VRAAG EN AANBOD', the end of Dr. Doolittle's dream... I. E. Rex Harrison (in the movie) sang: "If I could talk to the animals..." This is not all too clear, but it keeps my interest in Art ;% alive and also motivates me to research the advantages of the traditional protection that any discipline offers--when scientific endeavour only flowers due to the protection that science gives the scientist, or art the artist. I can even imagine a tendency towards an 'art for art's sake', just because art's-sake-is-so-political! -- a propos PC art... Nuke the Whales. T is for temporary, E is for exit, M is for military, P is picnic, O is orgasm, R is for retreat, A is for a new start, R is for rich, Y is for yesterday. T is for Temporary, the "here today, gone tomorrow" Stock Market New Life Program (Mind the slippery floor). Autonomic FENCE: How do we make a tall animal taller? [BARRIER, CAGE, CONTAINMENT] DFWM - Don't Fuck With Me. The physical barrier, the cultural barrier, the ideological barrier, the financial barrier... Colorful culture- (this means beads, wampum). Political BANNER (rest assured for effect only) Sewn with trade beads. K is for Kangaroo. R is for Rabbit. M is for Marabou. What's a zoo without diversity? A zoological garden... [GARDEN, ZOO, LIFE] I've always liked the idea of the zoo being described as an animal GARDEN (as in A Child's Garden of Verses). The notion of gardening animals brings to mind Eden, Genetic engineering etc. and the strong imagery of gardening itself: the introduction of plants, the encouragment of the growth some things (species, specific characteristics) and the suppression of other things. Nurture for aesthetic effect. CULTURE IS OUR NATURE Gardens are autonomous. Worlds alone. Gardens need not consist of only 'living' things. Stones, paths, hills, quarries, ponds 'landscape' the garden. Gardens such as Ryoan-ji in Kyoto, contain no 'life' at all. The stasis of the garden is a mind stiller. Their is NO grace in our dead giraffes. NO indication of grace either. I was in Artis. I saw the giraffes there. MUCH better than our giraffes. Solution: Add life? Do you recall the tale of Des Esseintes carpet? "This turtle was the result of a whim that had suddenly occured to Des Esseintes a short while before his leaving Paris. Looking one day at an Oriental carpet with iridescent gleams of color and following with his eyes the silvery glints that ran across the web of the wool, the colors of which were an opaque yellow and a plum violet, he had told himself: it would be a fine experiment to set on this carpet something that would move about and the deep tint of which would bring out and accentuate these tones." "Het geheim van het leven is dat het niets nieuws is."????? Currency/Money/Capital: portable potential, private property. The zoo is a market. The zoo is a amusement centre. The zoo is sex. How to crawl inside that Trojan skin? (AND what to do there?) What economy keeps the giraffe in the wild/zoo? Leisure time? Shortened work week? View of what? Ourselves, other animals? Each other? I like the idea of USING the giraffe as a tool. In Utrecht we thought to use the giraffe to watch birds. Maybe we still should. Further discussion following dinner somewhere Wednesday evening? Veg. Indonesian? Love to all, Paul BTW what does your guide say ;% is? FOOD CHAIN III Date: 2/8/93 From: Jouke Kleerebezem Subject: No Comment Economic No Comment Economic Homo Homini Lupus >%( don't know what the guide sez, but to me this meant: the mind boggles and needs professional help, so it is somewhere between:-% you're a banker and %-6 brain-dead: between Jackpot and Blank ('blank'?, nl: een 'niet', b.v.: er is geen loterij zonder nieten, TANSTAAFL). New Signatures: (@) remember the turd on the plaza! But what about these food chains? It's not as much the chains that am interested in, certainly not as a uni-directional sort of cause/effect or stimulus/respons relation, as well as the political-always-political question: what feeds on what, who feeds on who; what informs what, who informs who? The Chain is the Puzzle. Is that law of the jungle (eat or be eaten) the same as the law of the zoo? It wouldn't surprise me if it was: There A'int No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. The Zoo is turning into a giga food stock for tomorrow's hungry. And the 'law of the zoo' is a political one, compared to the law of the jungle. It is written by man to protect man. (...) the Machinery of Freedom: a guide to radical capitalism as well as Bionomics (...) More guides fot the next Millennium. Rapping on this: A Michelin Guide to Disneyland (Disney named his stooges "Imagineers") Yeah, why not? 'Imagineers', huh? Cultural Imagineers: Next step is a Michelin SmartGuide to Triple P. Already a Michelin Guide to the Hermann Pitz oeuvre saw 'existence'. But there is Baedeckers, Blue Guides, Yellow pages et al. I have a collection of 500-600 of these, all early 20th century tourist guides, all examples from the pioneer days of the Zoo-fication of the exotic. HEY! Politics is dangerous. I don't want 'know/no' politics at all. Politics is what you eat, there's no such thing as political vegetables; I do not know where you got Politics: The reduction of the diversity of individual ends to a set of common ends (the ends of the majority, dictator, who ever is in control of the political institution), but it sounds like 'party' politics to me -- another definition of politics stems from 'politeia' and hidden in its original greek it suggests a (or different) common cause(s), public causes, civic causes, discussion of these and communication tout court. Civic Intelligence. Whereas common should not be confused with 'ruling', 'major', 'control'. I simply cannot imagine de-commonized man; one-dimensional egotism would be the only 'alternative' for any kind of trying to get organized or trying to improve one's own and each other's condition. Stirner's Einzige u. sein Eigentum is one and Valéry's Monsieur Teste is another example of the modern emancipatory freedom-or-blast dogma. We are now living the politics of the diversity era: no reduction. FreeSpeech? IdioSpeech. And government is nothing but a legalised protection agency... 'Protect me from what I want'--authoritarian protection: some State, even my own solitary one, telling me that I am safe. Some higher encryption keeping me out of the hands of our Decoding Society. Gvrnmnt will soon enough have commercialized protection agencies all over the garden. And the Metaverse. Babel: the confounding of speech, confusion, the scream and the cry, speaking in tongues, diversity, mutation, experiments in living, 'VRAAG EN AANBOD', the end of Dr. Doolittle's dream... File under B, C, S, C, S, C, S and T, D, M, E and L, V en A, Triple D. "If I could talk to the animals..." What would you tell them? About us? ... 'Lenguage is, that we may mis-unda-stend each udda'. McDonnell, Patrick c.s.; Krazy Kat, the Comic Art of George Herriman, p61, 1986. ... 'Nous voyons l'homme avoir telle dextérité qu'il ne sait pas seulement apprendre les divers langages qui sont entre ceux de son espèce, mais aussi apprendre ceux des oiseaux. Ce qu'on voit par expérience d'aucuns bon compagnons, qui contrefont tous chant des oiseaux, et la voix de toutes bêtes, comme nous avons vu, plus haut, et entendent le jargon de plusieurs autres animaux'. Paré, Ambroise; Des Monstres-des Prodiges-des Voyages, p355: L'homme a la dextérité d'apprendre toutes langues, ±1560. Paré (1510-1590) was a King's (served under Henri II, François II, Charles IX en Henri III) doctor and battlefield surgeon. His most famous insight was to bind 'slagaderlijke' bleedings, instead of burning them to stop the bleeding. His 'Monsters, ..., Travels' book includes this chapter on the human ability to speak all languages, especially the birds'. T is for temporary, E is for exit, M is for military, P is picnic, O is orgasm, R is for retreat, A is for a new start, R is for rich, Y is for yesterday. T is for Temperament, H is for Humour. T is for Temporary, the "here today, gone tomorrow" Stock Market New Life Program (Mind the slippery floor). Autonomic FENCE: How do we make a tall animal taller? (BARRIER, CAGE, CONTAINMENT) (DFWM)- Don't Fuck With Me. The physical barrier, the cultural barrier, the ideological barrier, the financial barrier... social space, the psychological barrier: 'pleinvrees', fear for the public space? Colorful culture- (this means beads, wampum). Political BANNER (rest assured for effect only) Sewn with trade beads. K is for Kangaroo. R is for Rabbit. M is for Marabou. What's a zoo without diversity? A zoological garden... (GARDEN, ZOO, LIFE) I've always liked the idea of the zoo being described as an animal GARDEN (as in A Child's Garden of Verses). The notion of gardening animals brings to mind Eden, Genetic engineering etc. and the strong imagery of gardening itself: the introduction of plants, the encouragment of the growth some things (species, specific characteristics) and the suppression of other things. Nurture for aesthetic effect. Gardening is a strong image. The poet and the garden. Eden and Utopia. Greening. CULTURE IS OUR NATURE (language, our nature) Gardens are autonomous. Worlds alone. Gardens are a place. With a fence around it, 'enclaves' (Acconci), with barriers to cross, in order to get in and out again. Too much time spent in the garden weakens your immunity system. Symbolic space is important, like tempels, galeries and museums and other nurture homes. Biophilia is a strong condition. Religious. Love of life. Gardens need not consist of only "living" things. Stones, paths, hills, quarries, ponds "landscape" the garden. Gardens such as Ryoan-ji in Kyoto, contain no "life" at all. The stasis of the garden as a mind stiller. I'm all for it. There is NO grace in our dead giraffes. NO indication of grace either. I was in Artis. I saw the giraffes there. MUCH better than our giraffes. Solution: Add life? There is NO grace in the turd on the plaza. Add life? Add the visitor. The passerby. The dedicated and open minded recipient. Indicating is all we ever do. 'Commiting an act in order to put that act into question'. Put the indications into question in order to indicate. Do you recall the tale of Des Esseintes carpet? "This turtle was the result of a whim that had suddenly occured to Des Esseintes a short while before his leaving Paris. Looking one day at an Oriental carpet with iridescent gleams of color and following with his eyes the silvery glints that ran across the web of the wool, the colors of which were an opaque yellow and a plum violet, he had told himself: it would be a fine experiment to set on this carpet something that would move about and the deep tint of which would bring out and accentuate these tones." Des Esseintes was a desperate character. He lived a fine experiment. In his garden, in his solitary state, to add life was a solution. Remember how he dressed his turtle: he added dead geological material, stones. "Het geheim van het leven is dat het niets nieuws is" That's what struck me all of a sudden: something that is nothing new, is guaranteed to remain a secret, it's so well protected. Autonomous. The Spectacle does not see it. Life is the ultimate TAZ. Currency/Money/Capital: portable potential, private property. The zoo as market. The zoo as amusement centre. The zoo as sex. The zoo as a commercial protection agency... How to crawl inside that Trojan skin? (AND what to do there?) What economy keeps the giraffe in the wild/zoo? Leisure time? Shortened work week? An ideology of New Literacy keeps the giraffe in our act. But what keeps our act in the zoo, the garden, the white cube, Triple P? View of what? Ourselves, other animals? Each other? I like the idea of USING the giraffe as a tool. In Utrecht we thought to use the giraffe to watch birds. Maybe we still should. We can use those giraffes to commit any act that seems significant to us: 'Gee' is for giraffe. We will talk Wouter into expanding these babies into 30 meter long catwalks for our parade at the Vleeshal. Add bamboo and eggs, create some Trojan weird-erness down there. Throw in some ECU's: trade not aid. BTW what does your guide say ;% is? I'll tell you later at the Posthoorn. J. FOOD CHAIN IV Date: 2/8/93 From: Paul Perry Subject: Communiqué Bestiary Communiqué Bestiary SF (@) The Law of the Zoo Hello Jouke, here's some of the notes (thought ricochet psycho babel) which I've compiled over the last days re: our creation of a TAFZ (Temporary Autonomous Freedom Zoo) in Middelburg. It's neither ordered nor complete. Sorry. Suggestion: let's start by doing first whatever it is that we can do now... @ Nr. 1 BAIT Bait the event: Prepare the invitation (Advertising is the opposite of camouflage. The organisation (zoo) advertises to its consumers--the organism hides)! Purpose: Attraction of business (through the promise of sex). The spreading of virus memes, the gathering of energy, resources, reputation, money) %-6. What do you think? The invitation could be a zoo invitation/folder/guide book... (Somewhat like your proposed smart guide to Triple p...) The smart guide to the TAFZ (Temporary Autonomous Freedom Zoo) The Michelin Guide is our examplar... replacement of the human guide with text intel. On the POS. side they allowed the user/visitor to consult or not, at home or on the road, didn't require a tip for good service etc (allowing a degree of freedom) Could be read as an imaginative guide/a virtual guide. On the NEG. side they didn't interact/joke modify/play sexy in real time adjusting to the situation/sitcom/context... Contents: What to eat. Where to eat. Where to stay. What to see. Background intel to enhance your sight/imagination. Michelin Guides were vehicular guides... Michelin Guides were created for the glove compartment of the automobile. Remember Henry Ford 'invented' the theme park to add value to his automobile. The Michelin Guide added value to the theme park. To touring. Is one always a tourist in the TAFZ? Or can one take up residence there on a permanent basis. Let's think of the TAFZ as a more post-human phenomena than a place. The TAFZ is seen as transitory state. The TAFZ is a drug experience which passes through you. You don't travel through the TAFZ, it travels through you. So why leave your house for a TAFZ? Contact/contagion remains necessary for infection. You would make the effort to go if the TAFZ were a social event. (The party TAZ). You would go if felt you only had a short time to 'see' the TAZ and it was in your interest to see it live. Roll up in the animal skin. Feel TAZ/Africa in your nose. Put TAZ/Africa in your mouth. Get fucked by TAZ/Africa. The TAFZ as an organism. Could we ever sell franchises to TAFZ creation? Bundle the knowledge needed to produce one? Would a formula for TAFZ creation be a contradiction? Could there be a formula. Is the guide book a formula? So what would this smart guide contain? Or rephrased: How would a smart guide act? What would it do? Would it be just hypertextual or actually capable of learning--self modification? How would it learn? If it learned from experience, it would be better connected to the site rather than permanently connected to you. It would learn from each new encounter/experience with a visitor. It would compete with other smart guides which hung around the entrance of the TAZ for your business... Good/efficient smart guides would survive and pass there skills onto their children... The smart guide isn't closed or complete. The whore is a smart guide. The seeing eye dog is a smart guide. In the Temporary Autonomous Zoo the animals are the guides. The animals learn from each human use. Learn to please, to entertain, to inform, to give good intel, efficiency provides better value. What value? Freedom value. The Temporary Autonomous Zoo is about freedom. The Temporary Autonomous Freedom Zoo: TAFZ In the virtual zoo one does not look at the animals but inhabits them... To look is to hunt. My second ideological banner from Pakistan was a line from the 'Jungle Book' "How goes the hunting, hunter bold?" (In Urdu: crude, rough, uneducated *street people* are called jungli's) Indirectly another critique of 'will to power' . Looking, searching: "Seek and ye shall find." One mystic answer:"What you are looking for is what is looking." Stop, look and listen. (Education: traffic safety lessons taught to children about the dangers of the road.) The zoo is the trojan horse (Whose hidden agenda?)... The creation of a value-added artwork, a necessity for our own survival? @ Nr. 2 SKIN Preparing banners and fencing material.... What about using/utilizing (working with) refugees and their language/sign painting/cultural craft/political engagement? Refugee culture? OR just SIMULATING refugees (their language/their engagement in political isssues or their causes/their presence). Refugees as an endangered species, an endangered population. Diversity vs. Monoculture: The fence as a no-fly-zone. What is New Literacy ANYWAY? Is new literacy the ability to read one's own (changing) culture and its signs with more efficiency? New organisations of thought. Smart organisations. What is new literacy's relationship to other cultures. Is it cross cultural? Is it multi-cultural? Does too much meta-culture spoil the soup? (Flatten diversity into mono-culture) Hackers are a species. Artists are a species. Skateboarders are a species. They wear T-shirt flags. Clothing flags. Zoo keepers are a species. The fence is a psychological barrier. The fence is a sign defining private property. The border of a niche. The edge of a culture, the fence is a sign defining common beliefs, practices, ideologies. The fractal fence. The chaos fence. The fence which defines intellectual or virtual property. A line in the sand. The fence which defines the self. Which defines the family. Which defines the group. The line which defines categories, belonging, origins... The fence which defines a cage. The fence which defines a refuge. The fence which delimits property or a territory. The secure territory. The secure system. The secure house. The fencing -in of the American west. The reconaissance and claiming of new territory. Territory which is not geophysical. Intellectual territory. Cyberspace. Property rights in Cyberspace. New Literacy: the fencing off of a new territory. Possible action: Contact Amnesty, Stichting Vluchteling Werk, inquiries concerning refugee artisans. I see red banners and white lettering before me. (De Zaak/Capital Gains poster). Or tiger tracks white on red... We could get in touch with the gentleman who keeps a wild/retired/circus cat refuge. (A real catwalk). Or hang a tiger (mine). Refugees or endangered culture: Tibetan (spiritual) (cultural) (political) xref: Bardo T. (book of the dead/guide book to the TAZ that pass through you), Dolphin encounters... @ Nr. 3 STRUCTURE Bones (and smart bones) Traces, tracks, shit, bits of fur, scents, stuff of the scout, the predator The multiple exhibit zoo vs. the whole (ecosystem or biome zoo) where the exhibits interweave in a complex web or network. @ Nr. 4 SECURITY Enclave/fort/hide-out/safe house Fortification = defense mechanisms Defensive behavior: For your edification, the 4 types of primary defense: (Primary defenses operate regardless of whether or not there is a predator in the vicinity. These are built-in or continuous behaviors.) ANACHORESIS- living in holes or crevices (This could also mean taking a fortified position or the exploitation of a 'lonely' niche.) CRYPSIS- Cryptic animals are camouflaged (or hidden/appearing as something else) APOSEMATISM- Animals which have dangerous or unpleasant attributes and which advertise this fact by means of bright (warning) colors or other signals are said to be aposematic and the phenomenon is called aposematism. BATESIAN MIMICRY- Aposematic animals are sometimes mimicked by other non-noxious animals. The 6 types of secondary defense: (Secondary defenses operate only after an animal has detected a predator (or a culture is under persecution)) WITHDRAWAL FLIGHT DEIMATIC BEHAVIOR- (bluff) THANATOSIS- (death feigning) The object of attack is no longer worth expenditure of energy. (no longer a threat). DEFLECTION OF AN ATTACK RETALIATION @ Nr. 5 COMMUNICATION Cultural camouflage (smart skin) (@) Cultural camouflage is a very strong meme. Camouflage is a defensive behavior, a survival tactic. Cultural camouflage is a survival tactic engaged by a culture as a way of maintaining itself (its cultural autonomy) by appearing as something else (mimicry of another culture). Smart skin would be able to adjust itself to the circumstances/context. Smart skin would also be capable of learning through repeated experience and becoming more efficient. Through 'Kaizen': continous, incremental improvement. Animal handling/handled vs. artist handling/handled. B is for: Bat shit, Beaver chewed logs, Bear mauled children's toys... Container, enclave, fence: build a tensile bird cage, aluminum tubing. Use kee clamps, high-tech netting material. Think Kenneth Snelsen, Buckminster Fuller and engineering/portable. Get in touch with the Wegen brothers, what sort of tanned animal skins could we come up with? Live bait and Vivaria. Actually yesterday Loes saw two ostriches next to the ducks (duck farms) near Amersfoort. I know that ostriches are raised commercially for meat... Consulting my favorite animal list: Japanese Giant Salamanders Ibises Koi Kangaroos Coyotes (reference in Brin: Earth to coyotes and rats and their adaptability/ability to survive). Hyenas Porcupines What about putting an ad in the paper making inquiries concerning keepers of exotic beasts? Might we not engage Charles and Loes :-) to give us a hand? BBFN Paul FOOD CHAIN V Date: 3/8/93 From: Jouke Kleerebezem Subject: No Comment Bestiary Guy in Friesland might be at (05164) 1615 / -1848 NO COMMENT BESTIARY: LAW OF CULTURAL AUTONOMY BAIT the event: Prepare the invitation (Advertising is the opposite of camouflage/an organisation. A (zoo) advertises to its consumers, an organism hides!) propaganda as opposite of camouflage Purpose: Attraction of business (through the promise of sex). The spreading of virus memes, the gathering of energy, resources, reputation, money) %-6. What do you think? The invitation could be a zoo invitation/folder/guide book... (Somewhat like your proposed smart guide to Triple p...) The smart guide to the TAFZ (Temporary Autonomous Freedom Zoo) The Michelin Guide is our examplar... replacement of the human guide with text intel. On the POS. side they allowed the user/visitor to consult or not, at home or on the road, didn't require a tip for good service etc (allowing a degree of freedom) Could be read as an imaginative guide/ a virtual guide. On the NEG. side they didn't interact/joke modify/play sexy in real time adjusting to the situation/sitcom/context... Contents: What to eat. Where to eat. Where to stay. What to see. Background intel to enhance your sight/imagination. Michelin Guides were vehicular guides... Michelin Guides were created for the glove compartment of the automobile. Remember Henry Ford 'invented' the theme park to add value to his automobile. The Michelin Guide added value to the theme park. To touring. First Michelin guide I have is a meter per meter (real space) description of roads and (road)signs and road condition; it describes in detail every hole, bump, tree stump and bridge between A and B and came as a very low (print) tech paper leaflet in a general Michelin cardboard cover. No map, only (the description of) terrain! All the background intel local reality (colour) provides with. Conditions vs. Formula. Is one always a tourist in the TAFZ? Or can one take up residence there on a permanent basis. Let's think of the TAFZ as more of a Post-human phenomena than a place. The TAFZ seen as transitory state. permanent residence as a state of mind? Who lives or visits the TAFZ? Only the participants, to begin with its initiators, or any sensitive Harry, Dick or Tom (personages/names: father and daughter in the Batesion dialogues, Brandy and Clint in the Metaverse, the two Giant Panda's that served China as ambassadors travelling the world's Zoos in the late sixties(?), male/female etc.: Crash Dummies?) passerby. X and Y's Smart (Beginners) Guide to the TAFZ Xenophobia Cutification: the other as a mascotte, caricature, Refugee Puppets, Black Barbies, Trolls and other Little Sexy P(h)onies. At some moment recently there were 54 nationalities in the Dordrecht prison... The Middelburg prison. The TAFZ is a drug experience which passes through you. You don't travel through the TAFZ, it travels through you. So why leave your house for a TAFZ? Contact/contagion remains necessary for infection. You would make the effort to go if the TAFZ were a social event. (The party TAZ). You would go if felt you only had a short time to 'see' the TAZ and it was in your interest to see it live. Roll up in the animal skin. Feel TAZ/Africa in your nose. Put TAZ/Africa in your mouth. Get fucked by TAZ/Africa. The TAFZ as an organism. Could we ever sell franchises to TAFZ creation? Bundle the knowledge needed to produce one? Would a formula for TAFZ creation be a contradiction? Could there be a formula. Is the guide book a formula? not as much a formula but a key/formula hybrid: 'Sesame open thy/thee'? A code, an encryption; incantation? Magic? A smart formula, one that needs participation (active/real time customization) in order to come into effect/being. So what would this smart guide contain? Or rephrased: How would a smart guide act? What would it do? Would it be just hypertextual or actually capable of learning-self modification? How would it learn? If it learned from experience, it would be better connected to the site rather than permanently connected to you. It would learn from each new encounter/experience with a visitor. It would compete with other smart guides which hung around the entrance of the TAZ for your business... Sites deserve smart interactive guides. Like the sexy exotic male guides that hang around virtually every third world cultural and other site, airport, bus station et al. Our telecommunications will be permanently Motorola-style connected to us in the near future, so our site-specific smart guides would be like comstations, intelligent infostations, that inform and are informed by your tele- and or hands on participation/connection (every node or BB back on earth: get the Metaverse back on earth?). One needs a new kiosk anyway (franchizing the TAZ?): phoneboot/news-/infostand/zoo/TAZ/whorehouse hybrid sort of thing. (there was something about a new 'kiosk' for the Rembrandtplein in the NRC a few weeks ago--I don't member it to be too tech. Just a different box for the same old Maczines cum toilet cum phoneboot facility). Good/efficient smart guides would survive and pass there skills onto their children... The smart guide isn't closed or complete. The whore is a smart guide. The seeing eye dog is a smart guide. In the Temporary Autonomous Zoo the animals are the guides. the Whores of High Immunity California Architecture: remember the Camel/Duck/Bear/Dinosaur as a kiosk or diner; the animal as a guide: laser animated architecture, changing shape (camouflage; Cookoo Chameleon tactics?). The kiosk as a 3D 'screen' with facilities inside? A public space smart bigboard. A Black Sun, where public facility avatars are crude bitmap b/w. The animals learn from each human use. Learn to please, to entertain, to inform, to give good intel, efficiency provides better value. What value? Freedom value. The Temporary Autonomous Zoo is about freedom. Nuke Freedom: the value of autonomy is signature obligation. The value of cultural conduct, the value of total intelligence: become who you are and live with it, the value of life, Biophilia. Freedom equals Politics. (We'll have that discussion later) The Temporary Autonomous Freedom Zoo: TAFZ In the virtual zoo one does not look at the animals but inhabits them... To look is to hunt. My second ideological banner from Pakistan was a line from the 'Jungle Book' "How goes the hunting, hunter bold?" (In Urdu: crude, rough, uneducated *street people* are called jungli's) Indirectly another critique of 'will to power' . Looking, searching: "Seek and ye shall find." One mystic answer:"What you are looking for is what is looking." Stop, look and listen. (Education: traffic safety lessons taught to children about the dangers of the road.) The zoo is the trojan horse (Whose hidden agenda?)... The creation of a value-added artwork, a necessity for our own survival? zoo keeping as cultural camouflage SKIN: Preparing banners/fencing material.... What about using/utilizing (working with) refugees and their language/sign painting/cultural craft/political engagement? Refugee culture? refugee politics as cultural camouflage: WVC runs both the camps. Refugee tourism: the zoofication of solidarity OR just SIMULATING refugees (their language/their engagement in political issues or their causes/their presence). Refugees as an endangered species, an endangered population. Diversity vs. Monoculture: The fence is a no-fly-zone. Solidarity faxing Sarajevo... and saving the animals there: the Yugo bears, Paul Groot's remembrance of the dying Sarajevo Zoo lion. What is New Literacy ANYWAY? Is new literacy the ability to read one's own (changing) culture and its signs with more efficiency? New organisations of thought. Smart organisations. What is new literacy's relationship to other cultures. Is it cross cultural? Is it multi-cultural? Does too much meta-culture spoil the soup? (Flatten diversity into mono-culture) Hackers are a species. Artists are a species. Skateboarders are a species. They wear T-shirt flags. Clothing flags. Zoo keepers are a species. Hackers etc. as individuals: from species to Pet. You can keep a species and you can keep a pet. Some people prefer to keep species, others have a temperament to keep pets. Nature or nurture. The fence is a psychological barrier. The fence is a sign defining private property. The border of a niche. The edge of a culture, the fence is a sign defining common beliefs, practices, ideologies. the blossoming, later fruitful marge; periferies. Borders for Diversity! Margins and periferies for Crossbreeding! The fractal fence. The chaos fence. The fence which defines intellectual or virtual property. A line in the sand. The fence which defines the self. Which defines the family. Which defines the group. The line which defines categories, belonging, origins... borders to cross: art as 'grensverleggend'? The fence which defines a cage. The fence which defines a refuge. The fence which delimits property or a territory. The secure territory. The secure system. The secure house. the secure kiosk: Russian Revolution agit-prop art vehicules and kiosks: futurist prop: PropAgendas versus CamouflAgendas. The fencing in of the American west. The reconaissance and claiming of new territory. Territory which is not geophysical. Intellectual territory. Cyberspace. Property rights in Cyberspace. the Portable Kiosk Goggle Autonomous Zone (Down with the Walkman, Vito Acconci) New Literacy: the fencing off of a new territory. Possible action: Contact Amnesty, Stichting Vluchteling Werk, inquiries concerning refugee artisans. I see red banners and white lettering before me. (De Zaak/Capital Gains poster). AIDA Or tiger tracks white on red... We could get in touch with the gentleman who keeps a wild/retired/circus cat refuge. (A real catwalk). Or hang a tiger (mine). Refugees or endangered culture: Tibetan (spiritual) (cultural) (political) xref: Bardo T. (book of the dead/guide book to the TAZ that pass through you), Dolphin encounters... @ Nr. 3 STRUCTURE: Bones (smart bones) Traces, tracks, shit, bits of fur, scents, stuff of the scout, the predator The multiple exhibit zoo vs. the whole (ecosystem or biome zoo) where the exhibits interweave in a complex web or network. SEA LIFE Camouflage Fencing Propaganda Diversity (Bio-/Logo-/Eido-) banners: Fight the Power Xenophobia Refugee Dummie Nostalgia Park Poetics Night: No More Card Carying Splendid Isolation Cultural Camouflage/ All For CryptoCritical Condition New Literacy ; J ![]()
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