Brooks, Peter
Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative.
Scheub, Harald
Todorov, T.
The Two Principles of Narrative. Diacritics, vol.1 no.1 (Fall 1971).
(Classic Patterns)
Polti, Georges
The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations. 1868.
Propp, Vladimir
Morphology of the Folktale.
* Rahman, Kenneth
Dark Cults: The Horror Story Game. 1983.
Lambert, R.; Rilstone, A.; Wallis, J.
Once Upon a Time (2nd ed.). 1995.
Dennett, Daniel
The Self as a Center of Narrative Gravity
Dennett, Daniel
The Origin of Selves
Crawford, Chris
A Narrative Synthesis
Gover, Mark
The Narrative Emergence of Identity
"ABSTRACT: According to common psychological wisdom, identity refers to a characteristic of the individual. We "possess," "acquire," and "have a sense of" identity, for example. Similarly, the narrative processes that are often claimed to underlie identity construction are also typically viewed as attached to the individual, the product of a type of in-the-head thinking or mental structure. This chapter argues that an individualist approach to the understanding of narrative and identity obscures the co-constructed, contextually embedded nature of these constructs. A sociocultural alternative is offered, arguing that as a narrative, personal identity can emerge only as one moves actively between private and public, personal and cultural, past and present."
Jahn, Manfred
Narratology: A Guide to the Theory of Narrative
*** Excellent!
Murray, Kevin
Narrative Partitioning: the Ins and Outs of Identity Construction
(Narrative Psychology)
Murray, Kevin
The Construction of Identity in the Narratives of Romance and Comedy
(Narrative Psychology)
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