Language Learning
* Langendscheidt
Langenscheidt Basic German Vocabulary.
* Langendscheidt
Langenscheidt Basic German Vocabulary Workbook.
* Langendscheidt
Langenscheidts Großes Schulwörterbuch.
German - English. I must say that I compared a LOT of dictionaries and liked this one the best. Managable format. Many, many idiomatic examples. Readable type. (With an extremely servicable yellow vinyl cover!)
* Living Language
Ultimate German (Basic-Intermediate).
* Living Language
Ultimate German (Advanced).
* Living Language
All Audio German (Basic-Intermediate).
* Oxford University Press
Oxford Starter German Dictionary.
* Oxford University Press
Take Off in German.
* Zorach, Cecile
English Grammar for Students of German.
Children's Books
* Bechstein, Ludwig
Die Schönsten Märchen von Ludwig Bechstein.
Bechstein, like the brothers Grimm, collected stories. A gift from N.
* Janosch
Das Große Panama-Album.
Bundles 3 classic Janosch stories: Oh, wie shön ist Panama (1978); Komm, wir finden eninen Schatz (1979); Post für den Tiger (1980).
* Janosch
Janosch Erzählt Grimm's Märchen.
(Once published in English as 'Not Quite as Grimm' but now extremely out of print.)
Hohler, Franz
Der Riese und die Erdbeerkonfitüre. 1993.
Illustrated by Nikolaus Heidelbach.
Kästner, Erich
Der gestiefelte Kater. 1950.
Kästner's version of Puss in Boots (Aarne-Thompson 545B).
Schami, Rafik
Das Schaf im Wolfspelz. 1986.
Abish, Walter
How German is it? Wie Deutsch ist es?
19th-Century German Stories
Including Dual language web editions of E. T. A. Hoffmann's 'The Sandman' (1817), Heinrich Hoffman's Struwwelpeter (or Shockheaded Peter -1844), Wilhelm Busch's 'Max und Moritz' (1865), Grimm's tales and more "for language learning & literary study."
Grimm in German
At project gutenberg.de.
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